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We Back the Silent Support Weekend 2-3 March 2024.

We Back the Silent Support Weekend 2-3 March 2024.

Michael Lawlor1 Mar - 12:03
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The FA have announced their third National Silent Support Weekend, and Durham United are keen to support this important initiative.

The game belongs to ‘the actors’ the players and referee so please be respectful and give space so they can enjoy the beautiful game.
- Mark Blackbourne, Management Committee Chair

Durham United FC Backs the Silent Support Weekend 2-3 March 2024.

The FA have announced their third National Silent Support Weekend, and Durham United are keen to support this important initiative.

We would ask our supporters to applaud good play from both teams this weekend, but refrain from talking or shouting, with our coaches supporting the players as they need to.

We believe that players grow and develop by learning for themselves and making their own decisions.

The FA explain that the aim of the National Silent Support Weekend is to reduce pressure on youth players at grassroots level and give them a better opportunity and environment to find their own voice, improve their on-pitch communications skills, develop their own game, and most importantly have fun.

The FA are also encouraging spectators to show their support by applauding only. This is to create an enjoyable, safe and developmental experience for all youth players, so that they can play the game with freedom, without pressure, and without an over-emphasis on winning at all costs.

It’s their game, let them play.

Durham United Youth Football Club Committee

Further reading